Thursday, January 19, 2006


I found this funny, yet extremely serious... the beast them hog lots of technology and leave the third world to fantasize about it, owing to the fact that we have no resources to get them again owing to the fact that they raped, looted and plundered the third world for 400 years under colonial regimes and now under the sweat shop philosophy of GLOBALISATION


Anonymous said...

where'd you find that picture?

Yahnyk said...

I got it in an e-mail....

Anonymous said...

Let's face it Yahnyk, globalization is here to stay. But I agree with you in the sense tha globalization must not continue to be a monster that leaves hunger, disease and poverty in its wake, a monster that drains Third World economies so the rich nations can get richer. But it is important to know that globalization will be the key to humankind's future as the world's population climbs and resources dwindle. However, it is important to ensure that globalization benefits the entire planet rather than a select few. Given the right powers, corporate bodies like United Nations can play a significant, positive role in resolving international disputes, fostering Third World economic development, as well as eliminating world hunger and improving education and health care, but this will not happen under the present U.N. structure. Three steps can be taken to revamp the United Nations and the lending organizations so that they can become a positive force in world development and pave the way for a sustainable, democratic future on this planet:

1) Forgive all Third World foreign debt so that they can begin to concentrate on providing essential public services rather than on repaying loans.

2) Expand the U.N. Security Council so that permanent membership more accurately represents all regions of the world. Either eliminate all veto power or provide full veto privileges to all members so that a few nations can no longer set the world's agenda. The General Assembly should be empowered to provide democratic representation to all nations and should have the final say on all Security Council resolutions. The World Court, under the auspices of the General Assembly, should also have increased powers to resolve disputes.

3) Replace the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO with United Nations organizations in order to provide genuine assistance to developing nations while monitoring multinational corporations and holding them accountable for their actions.

Anonymous said...

somebody sound like an unresearched essay gone awry.
Poor ting.

Anonymous said...

Nobody rapes and plunders like what black people do and continue to do to themselves. Slavery was just a business that ran its course. It wasn't white people that ran down and caught black people in Africa for sale to the slave ships.