For real... this is the perfect excuse for not answering my cell fone, but then again I rarely ever do so... I doubt the nation will buy the argument but its an original thought right there... fuh real...
And fi real the nation need to unplug from the "tell-LIE-vision" and stop wat BET(black exploitation tell-lie-vision) and detox from the idiot box... and the zombie tube... time to run away from civi-LIES-astion and the neo-colonial/imperialism phenomenon dem call globalisation 2008 re-slaving agenda.
"You've got to parent. You've got to turn off the television set in your house once in a while; you've got to put the video game away once in a while."
"You should have a curfew in your house so your children aren't out in the streets all night."
~Barack Obama
Mental Detox Week - April 21 - 27, 2008
10:25am Friday, Apr 18
Formerly TV Turn Off Week...Now the culture jammers over at Adbusters,org want us to detox our brain for a week. I think I'm giving up Crackbook...
"For one week you take a break, unplug, turn off the TVs, computers, iPods, Blackberries, and cell phones. You don't have to go cold turkey, just challenge yourself to cut back a little. In the evening, you watch your favorite show if you have to, but then you switch off, relax, read a book, take a walk, or maybe go for a pint with a friend.
It's all about mental health. Recent studies have revealed a connection between our increasing use of a wide range of digital devices and growing stress levels and incidence of psychological disorders. Two out of three Americans suffer disconnection anxiety if they're away from their gadgets even for a few minutes, and The American Journal of Psychiatry has classified excessive gaming, porn surfing, emailing, and text messaging as a compulsive impulse disorder. Unplugging for a week is a non-pharmaceutical method of protecting your sanity and well-being.
So you take a step back from it all. Maybe for the first couple of days you'll feel crabby, sweaty, or agitated, like an addict in withdrawal. But then something remarkable will happen. Your over-stimulated brain will cleanse itself. You'll relax. You'll feel calmer and more grounded. You'll be whole again and see the world anew."