Narcissism: An exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself.
Conceit: Feelings of excessive pride
(definitions provided by WordWeb 3.0, an excellent dictionary software{Yannick recommended}).
It has been brought to my attention that this blog is an excercise in conceit and narcism. A result of my own bloated ego(hahahahahahahahhahahahaha). These are in more or less words the views expressed by members of my inner circle, The Miserable Mr. Stewart(Pole that is) and The Other Mr. Pessoa (Dax that is).
Hmmm this has led to me becoming a tad bit introspective on this little matter. I began thinking why did I start this blog. And have come to the conclusion I do not care. "A me an it out deh" hahahahahaha. Anyway mi hermano think it is a bit too raw and honest and opens me up to too much criticism. Is that a bad thing? Really I doubt I have any harsher critic than myself. At first I thought that me being my critic would be more motivation to me... whichever self help book I browsed and saw that... IT'S REAL RUBBISH. No chocolate tea for this soul. This is my "Marijuana for the Manic Mind"... I see a franchise here what do you say? hahahahahahhahaa. Anyway its me interfacing the world in a less harsh environment... yup maybe it is who cares? I think I need a counsellor... a very outside perspective. But really does it matter. My dear friend Amanda Lynch-Foster thinks I'm an insincere, attention starved pseudo rasta/pseudo intellectual, who says things for shock value and spotlight... (that one hurt) aaah tsk tsk, oh yeah and she thinks I have a thing for both brown and Trini girls, oh gee dear me. This blog seems to have drawn the roughest of criticisms geeee.
I shall proceed inspite, despite and to spite my own vain and trite(is that the way it's spelt) flights of fancy.
Yanhnyk on whether or not I agree with Amanda, I think indirectly she has just described herself using ur name as the scapegoat. She is a pseudo everything- fuckit anyways like Sizla said rasta man don't apologize (omit) batty boys)they just simply don't apologize- i think thats a load a horsetata but u might seek asylum in the words- I love sticky-aka marijuana because it helps with my search for clarity - it seems to have been helpingh u too. About the trini girls thing i totally agree- ms holder
hmm, well i dont agree with Amanda, its really stimulating to hear people like you 'reason', even if it is about yourself. lol. after reading your blogs, i wonder why you didnt stay with the media studies, and then i realise it was just too limited for your kind of talent/genious.
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