Thursday, August 15, 2013

Top 20 Schools List: Mt. Alvernia vs Mobay High!

The List of top 20 schools in Jamaica is officially out it seems and the figures are quite intriguing to say the least...

Hmmm Mt. Alvernia surpasses Mobay High... Historic if not monumental...

Well as back-to-school time rolls around... one thing I am certain of is this... Mt. Alvernia girls gonna be walking this September with an academic swagg like no other...

Mrs. Cherian will undoubtedly be beaming!!!

Only Westwood from made it into the top 10 from the west, which has shook up teachers and academics out west, for as much as Westwood has a long track record of success, it is still overlooked.

This list has spark the expected Facebook comment and thread wars of MBH vs MHS, Barbra Grayhounds vs Sister White Fowls as youth in my times referred to it.

Hats off to Mt. Alvernia... 'cause I remember back in the day when youths at Cornwall had it that Alvernia a fi dunce or screbbeh screbbeh girls and Mobay High is where you go hunting for high calibre... but as a young gallis... I never prescribed to such a philosophy or doctrine... I and I seek and finds the brightest and the hottest any where dem deh! Also... mi 'member when mi walk over the hill and pass Alvernia in the mornings and all those voices a mystery to me Yannick! Yannick! Yannick... man a Alvernia fuss tun mi inna mega star so... big up Alvernia a thousand times!

But one has to ask... what of Cornwall College... Bastion by the Sea! Disce Aut Discede!

Errol Watts of the "Cornwall College Alumni" FaceBook page posited the following arguments in Cornwall's defense for not being on the list...
"Notwithstanding the fact that CC has to continue to strive for excellence at all times, there are extraneous circumstances that might have been overlooked when analyzing the results. For example, CC does not hold-back any students from sitting the exams; while, other schools are known to submit only their best students that they think will have a chance to pass. We have an 85% (CSEC), and 93% (CAPE) average. We have one of, if not, the largest 6th Form Student Body in the country (130). And, to get into our 6th Form, you need to have 6 passes in grades 1, and 2. You might have noticed that the results offered, included English and Maths; however, we have one of (if not ) the best Physics, and Chemistry programs in the country. We have 30 distinctions at unit 1 and 2, including 50% in Physics and Chemistry. Presently, 15 out of the 138 students enrolled in Medicine at UWI, are from CC, the highest from one school in Jamaica. This year, we have 190 students applying to attend our 6th Form, which has a capacity for approx. 130. Finally, the number one student overall in the country,for the recent grade 6 achievement test, Mark Brown, and the top student from the county of Cornwall, Devin McIntosh, will be attending CC. Yes, we need to improve our English and Maths scores, but all is not lost. SATIS VERBORUM! CC...CC...CC!"
Well he has a point about Cornwall's academic past and current successes... but one has to ask... If Cornwall's admin is running away nobody and not regulating the exam sitting process and everybody sit exam etc... then Disce Aut Discede is a farce... "Learn or Leave" becomes a myth!


As the back-to-school debacle begins, parents and children will no doubt begin the battle of the brands... kids want Clarks and Jansports... straight, close fitted khaki pants vs tailor made or home made and no name bought at Bashco or Market shoes etc etc etc...

I wonder what the literature syllabus is like now for 7th graders/1st formers... aah the good old days of Sprat Morrison!


Anonymous said...

Like Cornwall College, St. Catherine High School does not restrict its students from sitting the CSEC exams. Once you're in grade 11 you're expected to sit atleast 8 subjects including Mathematics and English. We're talking some 425 students sitting the exams each year and its quite unfair to be ranking such schools with schools that employs the streaming system where only the students who school administrators think have a better chance of passing these subjects. In 2012 433 students registered at St.Catherine High school to sit the CSEC exams of that number 224 gain a pass in math and 357 gained a pass in English. Of that number 329 students gained at least 5 subjects with 2 students gaining 9 ones. St. Catherine High school is the largest single shift school in the english speaking Caribbean and in since 2008 the largest 6th form body with approximately 350 students (lower and upper sixth). In 2012 the school received more than 500 applications for its 6th from program as a result the qualification for the program has increased from 5 subjects to 6 subjects minimum with atlest 3 grade ones icluding english language and or maths (in some cases) and at least a grade two in the subject desired to be persued. The institution was ranked 3rd for the UWI feeder school and was the school with the most undergraduates for UWI Mona. Preces Et Opera Omnia Vincunt- Prayer and Work Conquer All.

Anonymous said...

Mobay high how u let mt alvernia pass u

Anonymous said...

Mobay high how u let mt alvernia pass u

Anonymous said...

Mt Alvernia to the world! I got kids @both! A grade above the other,they keep competing! It is evident Mt Alvernia is n infact has been riding past Montego Bay High for some time now in terms of output! My Prep-schooler is headed str8 there. Other options are amongst Kgn's finest that are also 'track and field blessed'

Anonymous said...

I am surprise by Montego Bay High School performance. How is it that MT. Alvernia High School as beat them......contemplation

William Knibb Memorial High School is always seen as the traditional high school of sports n academics. William Knibb Memorial High School is always in the spot light and they were ranked 44 something is wrong.... William Knibb Memorial High School need to step up back to its name

Most shocking was the Herbert Morrision Technical high....I just cant believe ranking 60 add making Hallond High a new school in Trelawny beating them and making Irwin High ranking before dem come on Herbi..................

Jamaica College ......

Unknown said...

Alvi 4 ever

Anonymous said...

Achovy high

Anonymous said...

Anchovy high